Registering Symbolic Wedding Vows

This service can be used to apply for a registration certificate to hold symbolic weddings at a tourist facility. Symbolic weddings can be held in registered tourist facilities - tourist resort, hotel, guest house, homestay, tourist vessel, and yacht marina.

Responsible Entity: Ministry of Tourism

Sign in to apply for services.

After signing in, you can start with the form application selected.

Apply to Register Symbolic Wedding Vows


The applicant should be an individual representing a registered tourist accommodation. 

How to apply

  • You can apply using an Efaas account.

  • Logging into your own account will direct you to the oneGov homepage.

Documents required

  • Speech or wedding vows

  • Passport of the person(s.) in charge of wedding

  • Passport of the person(s.) performing wedding

After you apply

  • After successful submission, a notification will be sent to your email and phone. 

  • You can check the status of the request from the “My Applications” tab.

  • Once the application is processed, the stamped wedding vows and registration certificate will be issued via email.

Estimated time frame

All duly completed applications will be processed within 3 business days.

Change Registration of Symbolic Wedding Vows


The applicant should be an individual representing a registered tourist accommodation

How to apply

  • You can apply using an Efaas account.

  • Logging into your own account will direct you to the oneGov homepage.

Documents required

  • Revised Speech or wedding vows

  • Passport of the person(s.) in charge of wedding

  • Passport of the person(s.) performing wedding

  • Supporting documents need to be submitted

After you apply

  • After successful submission, a notification will be sent to your email and phone. 

  • You can check the status of the request from the “My Applications” tab.

  • Once the application is processed, the stamped wedding vows and registration certificate will be issued via email.

Estimated time frame

All duly completed applications will be processed within 3 business days.

Renew Registration Symbolic Wedding Vows


The applicant should be an individual representing a registered tourist accommodation. 

How to apply

  • You can apply using an Efaas account.

  • Logging into your own account will direct you to the oneGov homepage.

Documents required

  • Revised Speech or wedding vows

  • Passport of the person(s.) in charge of wedding

  • Passport of the person(s.) performing wedding

  • If any changes in Registration Certificate, then supporting documents need to be submitted

After you apply

  • After successful submission, a notification will be sent to your email and phone. 

  • You can check the status of the request from the “My Applications” tab.

  • Once the application is processed, the stamped wedding vows and registration certificate will be issued via email.

Estimated time frame

All duly completed applications will be processed within 3 business days.


What are the actions that can be penalised?

Not abiding by the rules set by the Ministry will cause a fine of not more than MVR 100,000. Depending on the seriousness of the action, the Ministry may cancel the registry completely.

For how long are we required to keep records of symbolic weddings?

A minimum of 2 years. The tourist establishment should provide a copy of the registry or video of symbolic weddings if requested by the Ministry.

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