The SAMPA (South Ari Marine Protected Area) Vessel Registration ensures compliance with the latest management plan published to make the area safe for visitors and to the whale sharks in the SAMPA, Maldives’ largest marine protected area. This service monitors and identifies the vessels entering the area and promotes the responsible use of SAMPA by all users.
Responsible Entity: Environmental Protection Agency
After signing in, you can start with the form application selected.
You must ensure the following before applying to the SAMPA Vessel Registration:
The vessel must comply with all relevant regulations, including the Whale Shark Interaction Guideline (2024/R-96) and the SAMPA Management Plan.
You have read and understood the terms and conditions of the service.
You have read and understood the regulations, guidelines and management plan related to SAMPA related documents.
All required documents are prepared and up-to-date.
The SAMPA Vessel Registration Certificate will only be issued to the vessel owner.
The vessel owner can be an individual, a company or another entity.
Please note that the vessel owner will be held liable and responsible in case of non-compliance with any Act or Regulation relevant to this registration.
You can apply using an Efaas account.
Logging into your own account will direct you to the oneGov homepage.
You may apply for registration on behalf of the vessel owner. Pease note that even in this case, the registration will be issued to the vessel owner. (For more information, please check FAQs)
National ID card (if applicable, when there is a focal point present)
Vessel Registration Certificate
Maritime License
Seaworthiness Certificate
Passenger Certificate
Letter of Authorization (If applying on behalf of a government entity)
After successful submission, a notification will be sent to your email and phone.
You can check the status of the request from the “My Applications” tab.
Once the application is approved, the status will change to “Approved”.
Should the status of your application be changed to “Cancelled”, you will receive a notification along with the remarks via email and phone.
Once the application is processed, the registration certificate will be issued via email.
What is SAMPA?
The South Ari Marine Protected Area (SAMPA) is a designated protected area located at the southern end of Ari Atoll, established in accordance with the Protected Area Regulations (2018/R-78). As the largest protected area in the Maldives, SAMPA also represents the country’s largest Marine Protected Area (MPA). It was designated primarily due to its ecological significance, particularly as a habitat for whale sharks. As of 2024, whale sharks are classified as a protected species under the Protected Species Regulation (2021/R-25) and all whale shark interactions should adhere to the Whale shark Interaction Guideline (2024/R-96). Furthermore, all vessels operating in SAMPA region should adhere to the SAMPA Management Plan.
Why do you need to register to enter SAMPA?
The Ministry of Climate Change, Environment, and Energy, as the policy-making authority, has issued a policy decision to implement new management measures within the South Ari Marine Protected Area (SAMPA). As part of these measures, all vessels engaged in activities related to whale shark watching within the protected area are required to be formally registered.
Who needs to register?
All vessels that enter the SAMPA region for diving, snorkeling, fishing and any other resource user in this protected area should register their vessels.
Is there a restriction on the size of vessels that will be issued a SAMPA Vessel Registration?
Yes. As per the SAMPA gazette directive or iulaanu (IUL)438-ENV/438/2019/175, sea vessels smaller than 10 feet or 3 metre (hull size) are not allowed to operate within this region. Therefore, a SAMPA Vessel Registration will not be issued smaller than that.
To whom will the Vessel Registration be issued?
The SAMPA Vessel Registration will only be issued to the owner of the vessel.
Can I submit a SAMPA Vessel Registration application on behalf of my organisation or for someone else?
Yes. However, please note that the Registration will only be issued to the vessel owner.
Who is the responsible or liable person in the case of a violation of the terms of the Vessel Registration?
The owner of the vessel will be responsible or liable in the case of a violation of the terms of the Vessel Registration.You can find the terms of the Vessel Registration in the link provided below
What is the validity of the registration?
The registration is issued with a validity period of one year. However, registration will become void if any information provided in the application is amended (such as seaworthiness certificate update, change in the vessel captain etc). In such a case please apply for the change service.
Will the vessel registration be valid if the vessel ownership changes?
No. The SAMPA Vessel Registration will become void in the event of a change in ownership. This is because the SAMPA Vessel Registration is issued to the owner of the vessel. In such a case please make a new application.
Can the vessel be denied entrance even with a valid SAMPA Registration certificate?
All vessels entering the South Ari Marine Protected Area (SAMPA) must fully comply with all national regulations, including those set forth by the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation for seagoing vessels and those set forth by the Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy for protected areas and protected species. This includes the restriction of access to the protected area between 6pm and 6am. Should a vessel fail to meet any such requirements or violate any regulation SAMPA rangers reserve the right to deny entry, even if a valid permit has been issued. The vessel owner is solely responsible for ensuring that all necessary requirements and certifications are maintained in accordance with national standards.
Where can I find the relevant Acts, Regulations, Gazette Directives (Iulaanu), Guidelines and Management Plan relevant to South Ari Marine Protected Area (SAMPA) protected area.
All the relevant Environmental Acts and Regulations can be found in the link below
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