Employment Agency License

This service can be used to register or renew an employment agency and obtain an employment agency license.

Responsible Entity: Ministry of Homeland Security and Technology

Sign in to apply for services.

After signing in, you can start with the form application selected.

Guide to Apply


This service can be used to register an employment agency and obtain an employment agency license. The validity and the services that may be availed under the license will be based on the chosen agency license category.


License validity

Allowed services

Category A

3 years

Recruitment services and work permit management

Category B

2 years

Work permit management

Category C

3 years

Manpower supply

Before you start

Please ensure that the following service(s) are completed before proceeding with your application.

  • Business Activity Registration

Business entities with registered business activities as listed below may apply for the corresponding license.



Business Activity

Category A


Activities of employment placement agencies


Other human resources provision

Category B


Other human resources provision

Category C


Temporary employment agency activities

  • The mobile or telephone number of the entity applying for license should be registered under the entity’s name.


  • Should be a 100% local company or partnership registered under the Company’s Act 10/96.

  • The objective “employment activities; employment agencies, recruitment services (Class Code: N2)” should be included in the company or partnership’s objectives and Memorandum of Association.

  • The partners or directors and shareholders of the company should not consist of any staff or immediate family of a staff of the Ministry of Economic Development, Labour Relations Authority or Maldives Immigration at the time of application for this service or during the past one year.

  • The company’s tax obligations should have been paid in full to MIRA

  • As per clause 14 of the Employment Agency Regulation (2022/R-63), a director, shareholder or partner of the entity should not be a director, shareholder or partner in an existing agency.

  • If any action has been taken against the partnership or company or any of its partners or directors for violating the Employment Agency Regulation, Employment Act (2/2008), Anti-Human Trafficking Act (12/2013) or any other law or regulation of Maldives, or if there is any ongoing investigations for violations of the said laws, the partnership or company will not be eligible for an employment agency license.

How to apply

  • You can apply using an Efaas account.

  • Logging into your own account will direct you to the oneGov homepage.

Documents required 

  • Board resolution of the company:

    • Should be passed within the last three months

    • Should state the intent to operate employment agency

    • Should be on company letterhead

    • Should bear the company seal

    • Should state the category for which the application is made

    • Should state details of the individual being appointed as the key appointment holder.

  • Additional supporting documents (Optional): A document proving that the mobile number entered in the Xpat system is registered under your name. Mandatory if your number is an unlisted number.

After you apply

  • After successful submission a notification will be sent to your email and phone.

  • You can check the status of the request from the “My Applications” tab. 

  • Once the application is approved and the related payments have been cleared, Employment Agency License will be issued via email.

Fee & Deposit

  • Registration fee: MVR 5000

  • Employment agency deposit as follows:

Agency Registration Categories 


License Duration 


Services eligible 

Category A

3 years 


Recruitment service 

Work Permit Management 

Category B

2 years 


Work Permit Management 

Category C

3 years 


Manpower Supplying Services

Payment notification

  • Once your application has been approved, you will receive a notification via email and phone to make the payment for the service.

  • You can see the payment prompt under “My Applications”. Clicking this will redirect you to the BandeyriPay portal where you will be able to make the payment.

Estimated time frame

  • All duly completed applications will be processed in 7 business days.

  • If any additional verification is required, for the submitted documents or other information provided, the application may take longer than the standard time frame.

Guide to Renew


This service can be used to apply for renewal of employment agency license. The renewal applications should be submitted one month prior to license expiration.

Before you start

Please ensure that the following service(s) are completed before proceeding with your application.

  • Not applicable


  • Should have an existing employment agency license.

  • Should have a valid Employment Agency Deposit.

How to apply

  • You can apply using an Efaas account.

  • Logging into your own account and clicking the 'Start Now' will direct you forward.

Documents required 

  • Board resolution of the company:

    • Should be passed within the last three months

    • Should state the intent to renew employment agency

    • Should be on company letterhead

    • Should bear the company seal

    • Should state the category for which the application is made

    • Should state details of the individual being appointed as the key appointment holder.

  • A clear copy of valid national identity card (both sides, in colour) of the key appointment holder.

  • Additional Supporting Documents (Optional): a document proving that the mobile number entered in the Xpat system is registered under your name. (if your number is an unlisted number).

After you apply

  • After successful submission a notification will be sent to your email and phone.

  • You can check the status of the request from the “My Applications” tab. 

  • Once the application is approved and the related payments have been cleared, Employment Agency License will be issued via email.

Service fee

  • MVR 5000

Payment notification

  • Once your application has been approved, you will receive a notification via email and phone to make the payment for the service.

  • You can see the payment prompt under “My Applications”. Clicking this will redirect you to the BandeyriPay portal where you will be able to make the payment.

Estimated time frame

  • All duly completed applications will be processed in 7 business days.

  • If any additional verification is required, for the submitted documents or other information provided, the application may take longer than the standard time frame.

Guide to Cancel


This service can be used to cancel the operating licenses of employment agencies.

Before you start

Please ensure that the following service(s) are completed before proceeding with your application.

  • Apply for Employment Agency License


  • The applicant should have an employment agency license.

How to apply

  • You can apply using an Efaas account.

  • Logging into your own account will direct you to the oneGov homepage.

Documents required 

  • Board resolution of the company:

    • Should be passed within the last three months

    • Should state the intent to cancel the employment agency licence

    • Should state the intent to request relation(s) deactivation, if there are any active relations linked to the agency in the Xpat system.

    • Should be on company letterhead 

    • Should bear company seal

After you apply

  • After successful submission a notification will be sent to your email and phone.

  • You can check the status of the request from the “My Applications” tab. 

  • Once the application is approved an announcement will be published on the Government Gazette for 7 days and clearance will be taken from all related authorities.

  • Once the verification process is completed and approved the applicant will be notified of the cancellation.

Estimated time frame

  • All duly completed applications will be processed within 30 business days.

Guide for Category Change


This service can be used to change the Employment Agency license category. The validity and the services that may be availed under the license will be based on the chosen agency license category.


license validity

Allowed services

Category A

3 years

Recruitment services and work permit management

Category B

2 years

Work permit management

Category C

3 years

Manpower supply

Before you start

Please ensure that the following service(s) are completed before proceeding with your application.

  • Business Activity Registration

Business entities with registered business activities as listed below may apply for the corresponding license.



Business Activity

Category A


Activities of employment placement agencies


Other human resources provision

Category B


Other human resources provision

Category C


Temporary employment agency activities


  • The applicant should have an employment agency licence with a minimum validity period of one month.

How to apply

  • You can apply using an Efaas account.

  • Logging into your own account will direct you to the oneGov homepage.

Documents required 

Cancel the current employment agency license

  • Board resolution of the company:

    • Should be passed within the last three months

    • Should state the intent to cancel the employment agency license

    • Should state the intent to request relation(s) deactivation, if there are any active relations linked to the agency in the Xpat system.

    • Should be on company letterhead.

    • Should bear the company seal.

Apply for a new license under the new category

  • Board resolution of the company:

    • Should be passed within the last three months

    • Should state the intent to operate employment agency

    • Should be on company letterhead

    • Should bear the company seal

    • Should state the category for which the application is made

    • Should state details of the individual being appointed as the key appointment holder.

  • A clear copy of a valid national identity card (both sides, in colour) of the key appointment holder.

  • Additional supporting documents (optional): a document proving that the mobile number entered in the Xpat system is registered under your name. Mandatory if your number is an unlisted number.

After you apply

  • After successful submission a notification will be sent to your email and phone.

  • You can check the status of the request from the “My Applications” tab. 

  • Once the application is approved and the related payments have been cleared, the employment agency under the previous category will be cancelled. Subsequently, you will be requested to pay the difference in deposits if any, between your current and new categories. 

Fee & Deposit

  • Registration fee: MVR 5000

  • Employment agency deposit as follows:

Agency Registration Categories 


licence Duration 


Services eligible 

Category A

3 years 


Recruitment service 

Work Permit Management 

Category B

2 years 


Work Permit Management 

Category C

3 years 


Manpower Supplying Services

Payment notification

  • Once your application has been approved, you will receive a notification to pay the Employment Agency Registration Fee and the difference, if any, in the deposit amounts between the two categories via email and SMS.

  • You will be directed to the payment gateway for online payment.

  • You will receive an SMS notification after your payment is processed.

Estimated time frame

  • All duly completed applications will be processed in 40 business days.

  • If any additional verification is required, the application may take longer than the standard time frame.


Can I register more than one agency under my name?

As per clause 14 of the Employment Agency Regulation (2022/R-63), a director, shareholder or partner of the entity must not be a director, shareholder or partner in an existing agency.

What will happen if I fail to renew my license after it has expired?

If the employment agency license is not applied for renewal, at the time of the license expiration, the license will be suspended for a 30 days period. Suspended licenses that exceed the 30 days duration will be canceled.

What will happen if clearance from related authorities fail, during the processing of cancellation request?

The agency will be notified of the matter, and the agency will be required to resolve the issue with the relevant authorities, and submit a new application for cancellation.

What are the scenarios in which an employment agency licence will be cancelled by the Ministry?

Noncompliance with the Employment Agency Regulation (2022/R-63): A period of 7 working days will be given to resolve the issues. Failure to do so during this period will result in suspension of license for thirty working days. If the issue persists beyond this period, the license will be cancelled. Requested by the company to cancel their own employment agency license. Bankruptcy or liquidation of the company.

When will I be eligible to change the category of my agency after the registration?

You may change your category at any time after you have received an employment agency license. However, there should be a minimum of one month’s validity in your current license.

When will I be eligible to change the category of my agency after the registration?

You may change your category at any time after you have received an employment agency license. However, there should be a minimum of one month’s validity in your current license.

What happens to my deposit in the case of category change?

Your current deposit amount will be transferred to the agency under the new category. If there is a balance remaining after the transfer, you will be required to pay the difference. If your new deposit is less than your current deposit amount, you may request to refund the remaining deposit balance.

Is there a restriction on changing to a certain category?

No, there is no restriction to change to any category given that all requirements are met.

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