Company Due Diligence

Company Due Diligence

Responsible Entity: Ministry of Economic Development and Trade

Sign in to apply for services.

After signing in, you can start with the form application selected.

Guide to Request Corporate Profile


This service can be used by third parties to request a Corporate Profile Sheet of a registered business.

Before you start

Please ensure that the following service(s) are completed before proceeding with your application.

  • Not applicable


  • If a third party is requesting for a Corporate Profile Sheet, they should declare the purpose for which the Corporate Profile Sheet is obtained.  

How to apply

  • You can apply using an Efaas account.

  • Logging into your own account and clicking the 'Start Now' will direct you forward.

Documents required 

  • Not applicable

After you apply

  • After successful submission a notification will be sent to your email and phone.

  • You can check the status of the request from the history tab. 

  • Once the application is approved the status will change to “Approved”. 

  • Should the status of your application be changed to “Incomplete”, you will receive a notification along with remarks, via email and phone. 

  • Once the application is processed, the status of the application will change to “Processed” and the Corporate Profile will be made available to the applicant.

Estimated time frame

  • All duly completed applications will be processed within 2 business days

Guide to Request Certificate of Incumbency


This service can be used by registered companies and third parties to request a certificate of incumbency through the portal. 


  • This certificate is only issued to companies that have been registered for over a year.

  •  If the company is requesting for its own Certificate of Incumbency an authorized person appointed to use the portal on behalf of the company can submit the application.

  • If a third party is requesting for a Certificate of Incumbency, they are required to declare the purpose for which the Certificate of Incumbency is obtained.

How to apply

  • You can apply using an Efaas account.

  • Logging into your own account will direct you to the oneGov homepage.

Documents required 

  • If a third party is requesting for a Certificate of Incumbency, they are required to declare the purpose for which the Certificate of Incumbency is obtained.

After you apply

  • After successful submission a notification will be sent to your email and phone.

  • You can check the status of the request from the history tab. 

  • Once the application is approved the status will change to “Approved”. 

  • Should the status of your application be changed to “Incomplete”, you will receive a notification along with remarks, via email and phone. 

  • Once the application is processed, the status of the application will change to “Processed” and the Corporate Profile will be made available to the applicant.

Estimated time frame

  • All duly completed applications will be processed within 2 business days.

Guide to Certificate of Good Standing


This service can be used by registered companies and third parties to request a Certificate of Good Standing.


  • This certificate is only issued to companies that have been registered for over a year.

  • If the company is requesting for its own Certificate of Good Standing, an authorized person appointed to use the portal on behalf of the entity can submit the application.

  • If a third party is requesting for a Certificate of Good Standing, they are required to declare the purpose for which the Certificate of Good Standing is obtained. 

How to apply

  • You can apply using an Efaas account.

  • Logging into your own account will direct you to the oneGov homepage.

After you apply

  • After successful submission a notification will be sent to your email and phone.

  • You can check the status of the request from the history tab. 

  • Once the application is approved the status will change to “Approved”. 

  • Should the status of your application be changed to “Incomplete”, you will receive a notification along with remarks, via email and phone. 

  • Once the application is processed, the status of the application will change to “Processed” and the Corporate Profile will be made available to the applicant.

Estimated time frame

  • All duly completed applications will be processed within 2 business days.


Can I request for a specific details or customized version of a Corporate Profile Sheet?

No. The Corporate Profile Sheet is issued in a standard format.

Who can apply for a certificate of incumbency on behalf of a registered business?

By default, the Managing Director is authorized to apply for services on behalf of the company. The Managing Director may delegate this role to any party.

Can I request for specific details or a customized version of a Certificate of Incumbency?

No. The Certificate of Incumbency is issued in a standard format.

Who can apply for a certificate of good standing on behalf of a registered business?

By default, the Managing Director is authorized to apply for services on behalf of the company. The Managing Director may delegate this role to any party.

Can I request for specific details or a customized version of a Certificate of Good Standing?

No. The Certificate of Good Standing is issued in a standard format.

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